Episode 5 - Sorkin vs. Wodehouse

Episode 5 - Sorkin vs. Wodehouse
The Steidle Brothers

Episode 5 Notes: 

Take five and listen to the fifth episode of the paragraphing podcast!  Actually, take six times five—as Jamie and Brendan read the latest installments and discuss everything from Aaron Sorkin to injecting new life into old phrases.  They even ask the question: how do you light a scene that takes place in the underworld?  


The writers talked about two dialogue styles: longer paragraphs vs. short exchanges.  Here are the two contrasting examples they shared: the paragraphs of P.G. Wodehouse vs. the sentences of Aaron Sorkin.  

From "What Ho, Jeeves" by P.G. Wodehouse 

From the episode of The West Wing called “20 Hours in America,” by Aaron Sorkin

The characters of Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Winnie-the-Pooh_characters 


Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-1-the-first-9-paragraphs/id1212787121?i=1000382303012&mt=2 

Follow daily updates to the story at www.armisticedesigns.com/paragraphingblog 

Or on Twitter at: @graphingblog 

Brendan’s website: www.armisticedesigns.com

Jamie’s website: Thanks4Listening.com  

